About the characters
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Puakai was the first mermaid. She has a black tail with blue fins but is trying to find a potion to change the colour of her tail. She is the happiest person alive because her dreams came true; to be a mermaid
Assana was the new girl who moved into town when she found a necklace that turned her into a mermaid like Puakai. Should Puakai tell Assana that she was the mermaid Assana saw?
Anahita was the third mermaid after she was suspicious of Assana and Puakai. She found a butterfly ring. She then turned into a mermaid, one of her dreams too.
Cari is Puakai's older sister. She thinks it's fun to bug Puakai. She doesn't know Puakai's secret but will she ever find out?
Cordelia is Assana's younger sister. She was a mermaid all along but couln't take the pressure of it so one day (Third season) she decides to get rid of it and on a full moon, she jumps into water and it goes away. She is no longer a mermaid...